Friday, June 26, 2009

Participation letter

The Director and Appointing Authority,
Medical Education\ Medical and Rural Health Services\ Public Health and PM, Chennai.
As resolved by the Tamil Nadu Govt. Doctors Association to press our only demand of implementing the “Special Doctors Promotion Scheme” till the doctors reach the 36100-67000 scale as recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission, I willingly join all the agitation of TNGDA – including the proposed strike. I also state that I am frustrated to work in view of the poor promotion opportunities, poor pay scales and heavy work load and poor infrastructure.
I hope that our Honourable Chief Minister Dr Kalaignar will accept the TNGDA demand and in such case I would be happily rededicate myself to the service of the poor and the state.
                  Thanking you,
                  Yours faithfully,
Station:                                                    (                                             )

Resignation letter

The Director and Appointing Authority,
Medical Education\ Medical and Rural Health Services\ Public Health and PM,Chennai.
As resolved by the Tamil Nadu Govt. Doctors Association to press our only demand of implementing the “Special Doctors Promotion Scheme” till the doctors reach the 36100-67000 scale as recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission, I willingly herewith offer to resign my post forthwith. I am forced to take this decision in view of the poor promotion opportunities, poor pay scales and  heavy work load and poor infrastructure.
In case if the demands are not met, please accept my resignations. But still I hope that our Honourable Chief Minister Dr Kalaignar will accept the TNGDA demand and in such case I would withdraw this resignation letter and rededicate myself to the service of the poor and the state.
                  Thanking you,
                  Yours faithfully,
Station:                                                        (                                             )

Thursday, June 25, 2009



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State Office: 208, DAS Quarters, Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai
23RD June 2009


  • Not to organize or attend VKT camps
  • No disability or any other medical camps
  • No meetings to be attended or conducted (including PHC review meetings)
  • No trainings – as trainer or trainee
  • No classes – clinicals, theory, lab, exams, CME, all academic activities for UG/ PG students, medical officers, nurses or any categories (including HIV lectures etc)
  • No MCI inspection – either in their or on deputation
  • No medical board
  • No VIP duty
  • No medical/ health check-ups
  • No medical certificates/ physical fitness/ age certificate/ wound certificates/ PM certificates
  • All VKT MOs to attend work @ their parent institution.
  • FW camps and elective surgeries will be done.


ALL INSTITUTIONS (EXCEPT Dist HQ and Medical College hospitals):-
  • All work in these institutions will be stopped.
  • All professors, directors, associate professors, assistant professors, tutors, assistant surgeon, sr. assistant surgeons , civil surgeons, Sr civil surgeons, medical officers , ARMOs – these cadres working in PHCs, ESI dispensaries, taluk and non-taluk hospitals, medical colleges and attached hospitals, other dispensaries, deputation duties in social welfare dept, school health, ICDS, Jail etc will join strike.
  • Doctors working (including hospital heads) to simply abstain and switch off their mobiles from 7 am on 6.7.2009 to 7am on 7.7.2009.
  • INCLUDES ALL SCS (including Chief MO of taluk, non taluk, ESI dispensaries)
  • Includes 10a1 doctors in CEmONC, PHCs, GH, Mobile doctors and those in clinical, non clinical and non-teaching departments of medical colleges.
  • Life Saving services only will be provided.
  • No AR entries (except for life threatening cases and mass casualties)
  • No post mortems
  • No OPD
  • No ward rounds
  • No deliveries
  • No elective surgeries
  • Life saving services in District HQ Hospitals will be maintained by 1 general duty doctor and 1 OG doctor (preferably active members) and an office bearer to actively advise and support them.
  • They will not sign attendance register but write case sheets and AR entry to cases whose life is in danger.
  • They will attend cases in the wards/ labour ward / ICU (choose wards/ examination rooms away from casualty / OPD)
  • Write notes to all death or serious cases.
  • Life saving services only will be provided.
  • No AR entries (except for life threatening cases and mass casualties)
  • No post mortems
  • No OPD
  • No ward rounds
  • No deliveries
  • No elective surgeries
  • Life saving services will be maintained by 1 DAP, 1 DAS, 1 DAA, 1 DAPP, 1 DAOA (preferably active members) and an office bearer to actively advise and support them. (Call for DANS or DATS only in imminent cases that too after CT Brain or CT chest)
  • They will not sign attendance register but write case sheets and AR entry to cases whose life is in danger.
  • They will attend cases in the wards/ labour ward / ICU (choose wards/ examination rooms away from casualty / OPD)
  • Write notes to all death or serious cases.
Office bearers to personally meet administrative cadres like DDHS, RMOs, Superintendent, JDHS, RAMO (ESI) to cooperate in the strike. The point that all of them are the immediate beneficiaries as their pay and pension will double should be emphasised.

Any doubt feel free to contact State Secretary or State President 94431 30399.


    State Secretary

Resolutions of Urgent Executive Committee Meeting 23-06-2009

Recognised by the Govt. of Tamilnadu vide Public Department G.O. Ms No. 1980 dated 7.10.1969

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                      STATE SECRETARY
    Dr.S.Kanagasababathy                                          Dr K.Senthil
            Thanjavur                                                           Madurai
                          Dr K.Jeyakumar                       Dr P.Prakash Karat
                                 Vellore                                 Ramanathapuram
State Office: 208, DAS Quarters, Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai
23rd June 2009
Urgent Executive Committee Meeting resolutions
The Urgent Executive Committee Meeting of the TamilNadu Government Doctors’ Association was held at Chennai on 23rd June 2009.
The Executive Committee members from all over the state attended the meeting.
The talks held by the association with the Honourable Health Minister, Principal Secretaries of Health and Finance was discussed in detail.
After elaborate discussion the following resolutions were passed unanimously.
  • The association regretted that though the Honourable Chief Minister announced that the central pay commission recommendations will be implemented in the state, the govt. turned down its only demand for the “Doctors’ Special Promotional Scheme” recommended by the 6th Central Pay Commission. The few offers of allowances will not suffice.

So, the association decided to go ahead with the planned agitations.
  • The “Boycott Special Programmes” agitation from 30.6.2009.
  • The “one day State Wide Strike” on 6.7.2009.
The emergency and life saving services will be maintained in all district head quarters and medical college hospitals.

  • Public to be highlighted of the agitations and about places where emergency and life saving services will be available through wall posters, press releases etc. to avoid any undue circumstances.
  • The TNGDA resolved to intensify the agitations and go for direct actions without any notice, if any member is victimised or any punitive action is taken by the govt.
  • Further course of action will be decided in the State EC meeting proposed to be held on 12.7.2009 at Chennai.
       (State Secretary)                                    
            97877 27213   

Frequently asked Questions on Private Practice

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State Office: 208, DAS Quarters, Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai
14th June 2009

What is the choice of the TNGDA if the government bargains the private practice with central pay?
The central pay cannot be bargained for the central parity, but it can be bargained only with NON PRACTICING ALLOWANCE (NPA). The NPA given to central doctors is 30% of basic pay and it will be calculated for DA.
With central parity, this NPA will vary from Rs 10000 to 25000 for various grades of doctors. The total extra expenditure will work out to about 80 crores per annum to the govt.
What is the choice of the TNGDA if the government bargains the private practice with NPA?
    The TNGDA will choose NPA, if compelled.
    But, very unlikely for the following reasons…
  • the govt. or the public will not benefit in any way – already the duty timings are more than prescribed for any govt. servant.
  • NPA cost will be about Rs 80 crores per annum.
  • Almost all the states permit private practice as it benefits the public.
What if govt. bans Private Practice?
  • Very unlikely. Especially with a people friendly CM and govt.
  • Please see the disadvantages given below.
  • No advantage to public or govt.
  • In case if PP is banned, we would gain central pay + NPA.
  • It will be easy for TNGDA to persuade govt. to repeal ban in a year or two - as it wont cost any financial burden.
  • Even during the ban, in evitable practice, due to patients’ compulsion cannot be stopped. If at all any action is tajen it can be done only on conduct rules. (this will be dropped once the ban is repealed)
  • Repeal will be natural – in the capitalist economy, also in public interest, pressure of the association. Similar repal was done three years back in Andhra after a ban of about 1 year.
What are the disadvantages of banning private practice?
    1. Among the total actively practicing 40000 doctors in TN, about 12000 are in govt. service ie about 1/3rd of the total doctors. Ban will deprive the public of the private services of every third doctor. The demand will up and will be the cost – directly affecting the public.
    2. About 60% of the specialists in TN are in govt. service. Ban will restrict access to the remaining 40% - again increasing the cost. (among the 40% - 10 % are in corporate sector)
    3. 70% among the rurally practicing (baring the bigger towns) doctors, are govt. doctors. Ban will increase the suffering of the poor rural public.
    4. Already doctors are reluctant to join service in interior PHCs and difficult terrains. Ban will aggravate this situation.
    5. Above all – ban will force all the talented hands to leave the govt. service. Almost all super specialist and other specialists with good private practice will quit service. The quality of govt. institutions will go down.

Is the argument that banning Private Practice will raise the concentration of doctors to serve the public?
No. the earnestness and serving nature is individualized. Except a few, almost all doctors work with passion and sincerity. But the exorbitant load of patients – mask it and the stress shows off.
Even the UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION since this year has liberalized and has permitted all the college teachers to take up “Private Consultancy Assignments” – vide the UGC – Pay Review Committee Report of 2008. It justifies saying that such assignments will help community to augment their educational quality.
Is it possible that awarding UGC scales, increase the duty timings in DME side?
No. The UGC permits 10 weeks vacation to the teachers. Vacation to certain npn-clinical departments possible. Already they work on par with other college teachers.
In the clinical side, vacation is not possible. So, titrating the 10 weeks vacation and the 24 hours stay duties; the existing timings is already more than the stipulate 30 hours a week norms of UGC.

    State Secretary

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Comparitive Scales and Demanded Scale

Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association  
Comparative career progression of Non-teaching – Central vs TN doctors :
CadresEntryPromotion 1Promotion 2Promotion 3Promotion 4
CentralMOEntryIn 4 yrIn 9 yrIn 13 yrIn 20th year
TN MOEntryIn 4 yrIn 9 yrIn total 13 yrIn 20th yr

TN MO promotion(Existing)EntryIn an average of18 yrIn an average of20 yrIn an average of22 yrIn average 30years

Demanded scale:
Assistant SurgeonSenior Assistant SurgeonCivil SurgeonSenior civil surgeonChief Civil Surgeon
EntryIn 4 yrIn 9 yrIn 13 yrIn 20th year

Comparative career progression of Central Vs TN Medical College doctors:
CadresEntryPromotion 1Promotion 2Promotion 3Promotion 4
CentralMOEntryIn 4 yrIn 9 yrIn 13 yrIn 20th year
TN Medical Teachers-EntryIn 9 yrIn 13 yrIn 20th year

TN Medical Teachers(Existing)EntryIn 1 yrAsso. Prof.Vacancy based
Average in 20 yrs
Prof.Vacancy based
Average in  24 yr
Dean in 30 years
21000213002330023300 #46100

Plz note that Associate Professor and Professors in TN gets same scale
Demanded scale:
Assistant ProfessorAssociate ProfessorAdditional  ProfessorProfessorSenior Professor/ Director
EntryIn 5 yrIn 9 yrIn 13 yrIn 20th year

Details of the one point demand of the Tamil Nadu Government Doctors Association:

  • Implementation of the exclusive Pay scales and Career Progression opportunities to doctors in govt. service – central govt. based on the V and VI Central Pay Commission.
Details of the demand:
  • Extended DACP is periodical promotion in 4th year, 9th year, 13th year and 20th year in the scales of 15600+GP 5400, 15600+GP 6700, 37400+GP 8700 and 37400+GP 10000 respectively.
    This extended DACP is the demand of the association. 
  • By this the association requests special promotion scheme in the following scale and period.
Service DetailsDemanded scale of Pay
Entry15600-39100 +GP 5400
At 4th year15600-39100 +GP 6600
At 9th year15600-39100 +GP 7600
At 13th year37400-67000 +GP 8700
At 20th year37400-67000 +GP 10000

  • This is applicable to all the medical doctors, whether belonging to organized services or holding isolated posts.

In addition to the above Pay Scales and career advancements the other parts of the demand are
  • Special allowances for special duties (for other duties not in central govt. service) – given in our earlier detailed representation. Like - Treatment Allowance, PHC Allowance, Multi speciality Allowance, Risk Allowance   etc
  • Voluntary Retirement from Service (as in central health service)

    Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) - genesis and course:
  • This is a special promotion scheme first suggested by the V Pay Central Pay Commission Report. The Central Govt. implemented this scheme since 1.1.1996 to all different streams of doctors up to the scale of 14300-18300. So since 1996 the central doctors were getting promotions at 4th year, ninth year and 13th year in the scales of 10000, 12000 and 14300 respectively.

  • The VI Central Pay Commission: also suggested to continue DACP to all categories of medical officers including isolated posts of medical officers. (Vide Page 193 and para 3.6.7 of the Central Pay Commission Report)

  • The Central Govt. after accepting the recommendations, decided to further extend the DACP to one scale more – promotion at 20th year upto the scale of 37400-67000 GP 10000. [vide the Gazette – Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) New Delhi, dated 29th August 2008; Resolution No. 1/1/2008-IC. para 12 ]

  • So, finally the central doctors are given promotions in 4th year, 9th year, 13th year and 20th year in the scales of 15600-39100 GP 6600, 15600-39100 GP 7600, 37400-67000 GP 8700 and 37400-67000 GP 10000.

  • V and VI PC Report justified this special scheme to doctors stating: - “DACP is extended to doctors as their basic qualification is of longer duration and the doctors hence, have less number of total services. This cannot be extended to any other government servants.”

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Recognised by the Govt. of Tamilnadu vide Public Department G.O. Ms No. 1980 dated 7.10.1969
Dr.S.Kanagasababathy Thanjavur
Dr K.Senthil


Dr K.Jeyakumar

Dr P.Prakash Karat
State Office: 208, DAS Quarters, Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai

14th June 2009

Urgent Executive Committee Meeting resolutions
The Urgent Executive Committee Meeting of the TamilNadu Government Doctors’ Association was held at Madurai on 14th June 2009.
The Executive Committee members from all over the state attended the meeting. The Pay Commission implementation in Tamilnadu without correcting the existing anomalies for the government doctors was discussed in detail.
All the members uniformly expressed that it is a betrayal of our cadres after assurances from our Honourable Health Minister in the floor of the assembly.
In spite of the just issue and steps to highlight it in a democratic way, the response from the govt. is very disappointing. The association is forced to go in for agitations to press the demands.
After elaborate discussion the following resolutions were passed unanimously.
  • The association appeals to the Honourable Chief Minister Dr Kalaignar to kindly consider our following one point demand favourably.
    Our Demand:
Implementing the VI Central Pay Commission recommendations for doctors in Tamilnadu.

  • In order to press our demand
    1. it has been decided to hold a one day token fast by the state EC members at Chennai on 23rd June 2009.
    2. To boycott the following programmes without affecting the patient service indefinitely from 30th June 2009: Varumun Kappom Thittam, Other camps, meetings , training programme, MCI inspections, medical board, VIP convoy duty, students classes, practicals and all other academic activities.

If the demands are not met by the govt., the association has resolved to go for one day token strike on 6th July 2009. Emergency and life saving services will be maintained.

  • Each district to convene an urgent GB Meeting and get their members ready for implementing the State EC resolutions and issue press releases.
  • Not giving option to new pay till the demands were met. All members will continue to get the old pay.
  • The association has resolved to convene an urgent EC Meeting on 12th July 2009 to decide on the “Indefinite Strike” and further course of action.

(State Secretary) (State President)
97877 27213 94431 30399

More Work and Less Pay for Doctors in Tamil Nadu - An Eye Opener

Click here to download these slides as a PDF File

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Recognised by the Govt. of Tamilnadu vide Public Department G.O. Ms No. 1980 dated 7.10.1969
    STATE PRESIDENT                     
Dr.S.Kanagasababathy                                        Thanjavur 
Dr K.Senthil
Dr K.Jeyakumar
Dr P.Prakash Karat
State Office: 208, DAS Quarters, Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai

14th June 2009

Urgent Executive Committee Meeting resolutions
The Urgent Executive Committee Meeting of the TamilNadu Government Doctors’ Association was held at Madurai on 14th June 2009.
The Executive Committee members from all over the state attended the meeting. The Pay Commission implementation in Tamilnadu without correcting the existing anomalies for the government doctors was discussed in detail.
All the members uniformly expressed that it is a betrayal of our cadres after assurances from our Honourable Health Minister in the floor of the assembly.
In spite of the just issue and steps to highlight it in a democratic way, the response from the govt. is very disappointing. The association is forced to go in for agitations to press the demands.
After elaborate discussion the following resolutions were passed unanimously.
  • The association appeals to the Honourable Chief Minister               Dr Kalaignar to kindly consider our following one point demand favourably.
    Our Demand:
Implementing the VI Central Pay Commission recommendations for doctors in Tamilnadu.

  • In order to press our demand
    1. it has been decided to hold a one day token fast by the state EC members at Chennai on 23rd June 2009.
    2. To boycott the following programmes without affecting the patient service indefinitely from 30th June 2009:  Varumun Kappom Thittam, Other camps, meetings , training programme, MCI inspections, medical board, VIP convoy duty, students classes, practicals and all other academic activities.

               If the demands are not met by the govt., the association has resolved to go for one day token strike on 6th July 2009. Emergency and life saving services will be maintained.

  • Each district to convene an urgent GB Meeting and get their members ready for implementing the State EC resolutions and issue press releases.
  • Not giving option to new pay till the demands were met. All members will continue to get the old pay.
  • The association has resolved to convene an urgent EC Meeting on 12th July 2009 to decide on the “Indefinite Strike” and further course of action.

       (State Secretary)                                     (State President)
            97877 27213                                           94431 30399