Contract Medical Officers and Contract Medical Consultants working in the Government Medical Institutions - Bringing into regular time scale of pay -Order-issued
G.O. (Ms) No. 302 Dated: 20-11-2006
1. G.O. (Ms) No. 197 Heath dated 7-6-2004
2. G.O. (Ms) No. 31 Heath dated 3-3-2005
3. From the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Letter No. 47018 /E5 A3/ 2006 dated 24-5-2006
4. From the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Letter No. 47018 /E5 A3/ 2006 dated 27-5-2006
5. From the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Letter No. 47018 /E5 A3/ 2006 dated 7-7-2006
In the Government Order first read above order were issued for the creation of 186 posts Medical Officers in the 93 upgrade Primary Health centres on Contract blasic on a consolidated pay of Rs. 8,000/- at the rate of 2 posts for each upgraded Primary Health centre.
2. in the Government order second read above orders were issued, orders were issued pending selection of candidates by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commissions to recruit 2322 Assistant Surgeons in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service to be filled up on Contract basis by calling for candidates from employment exchange for a period of 6 months or till the candidates selected by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission join duty on a consolidated pay as indicated below:
1. Doctors with MBBS qualification - Rs. 8000/- p.m.
2. Doctors with MBBS and post graduate - Rs.9000/-p.m.
diploma qualification
3. Doctors with MBBS and post graduate - Rs. 100007-p.m.
diploma qualification
3. The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine has stated that as on date against 186 posts of Contract Medical Officers sanctioned to the 93 upgraded Primary Health centres 153 Contract Medical officers are in position and the remaining 33 posts are vacant. The Director of Public Health and preventive Medical has, therefore started that the 186 posts of Contract Medical officers to the 93 upgraded Primary Health centres. Sanctioned on a consolidated pay of Rs. 8,0007- p.m. may be brought into time scale of pay of Rs. 8000-275-13500.
4. The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine has also stated that as against the permission accorded for 2322 Contract Medical consultations in the vacancies available only 1575 Contract Medical consultants were in position as on may 2003 Even among these Contract Medical Consultants, some of them have been selected by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission and they were given necessary Appointment as Assistant Surgeon in the time scale of pay The remaining 1352 doctors who are working as Contract Medical consultant have to be absorbed in the time scale of pay . The Director of Public Health and prevention Medicine has therefore requested the Government to consider the need for bringing the Contract Medical officers / Contract Medical consultant in to time scale of pay Rs. 8000 - 275 -13500 in order to make them to discharge their duties with more dedication and commitment in serving the vulnerable rural sections of the society.
5. Apart from the Contract Medical Consultants there are about 30 Medical officers who are working in Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for regular appointment in the special qualifying examination held earlier.
6. The Government have examined the above proposals and direct that the 153 Contract Medical officers and 1352 Contract Medical Consultants who were appointment on consolidated pay of Rs. 8000/- p.m. be appointed temporarily as Assistant Surgeons in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service in the time scale of pay of Rs. 8000-275-13500 with other allowance admissible to the post as per the general rules and order in force with effect from 1.11.2006 in relaxation of rule 10 (a) (i) of the general rules for the Tamil Nadu state and subordinate Service and they will be allowed to continue in Service pending Passing of special qualification examination to be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
The Government also direct that about 30 temporary Assistant Surgeons who are working in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service on time scale of pay with out being selected by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for regular appointment in the special qualifying examination conducted earlier are instructed to appear for the special qualification examination to be conducted the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
7. The Government also Direct that their seniority shall be fixed by the merit list drawn by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission in the special ^qualifying examination to be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission under rule 35 (a) of the general rules for the Tamil Nadu state and subordinate Services.
8. The Government also direct that the 186 posts of Contract Medical officer created on the Government order first read above, be brought in to time scale of pay of Rs. 8000 / 275 -13500 with effect from 1.11.2006 with other allowances admissible to the post as per the rules and order in force however only 153 persons are working in the above sanctioned posts.
9. In exercise of the powers conferred under rule 48 of the general rules contained in part - ii Tamil Nadu state and subordinate Service so as to enable the Tamil Nadu Services manual 1987 the governor of Tamil Nadu here by relaxes the rule 10 (a) (i) of the general rules for Tamil Nadu state and subordinate Services so as to enable the Government to appoint 153 Contract Medical officers and 1352 Consultants temporarily as Assistant Surgeons on the Tamil Nadu Medical Service pending passing of the special qualification examination proposed to be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
10.The Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine is directed to instruct all the consent Medical officers and Contract Medical consultant who are brought into time scale of pay to appear for the special qualifying examination proposed to be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission in the special qualifying examination conducted earlier if shall also be instructed to appear for the special qualifications examination to be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for regularization of their Services.
11. The individuals mentioned above who have not passed in the special qualifying examination proposed to be held shall be ousted from Service without assigning any reason therefore.
12. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance department vide its U.O.No. 350 / Ds (PU) 2006 -1 dated 20-11-2006.
(by order of the governor)
V.K. Suburaj
(Secreatary to Government)
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